How to speak English more fluently & fluidly

How to speak English more fluently & fluidly สาธารณะ

Learn English with Emma [engVid]

3 yปี
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Learn to sound more natural when you speak. Some English learners speak too slowly. Others speak too quickly. Some learners sound choppy when they speak. When someone sounds choppy, it means their spoken English does not sound smooth or melodic. There are many unnatural stops and pauses when they speak. In this class, I will give you tips on having more fluid and fluent English, so you don’t sound choppy and so your language flows pleasantly. When your English is more fluid and fluent, you sound more natural and are easier to understand. After the lesson, test your understanding with the quiz:

Learn English with me at!
More of my lessons on speaking English:
Speaking English - How to answer the phone
IELTS Speaking Task 1

In this lesson:
0:00 What is "fluid"/"fluent"?
1:40 Dont get stuck on words
3:31 Move past mistakes
4:53 Think before you speak
6:49 Use filler phrases
7:56 Memorize common expressions
9:23 Find the right pace
11:41 Practice speaking continuously
13:16 Practice in front of a mirror
14:08 Build vocabulary for common topics
15:06 Know yourself


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