Learn to study faster and more efficiently, and remember more! I will show you my favorite system for taking notes, called the Cornell Notetaking System. Youll learn a way to take better notes and become a better active listener. Ill explain how to use this method and show you an example of it. Using the Cornell template will help you remember more of what you hear in class and help you organize your notes better. This method will help you if you are a student in a high school, language school, or university, or if you attend meetings, conferences, or like studying on your own! You can practice using the Cornell Notetaking Method with this video on the differences between British and American spelling at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG017jvhB7I , or any other engVid lesson!
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Hello. My name is Emma, and in todays video I am going to teach you an amazing way to listen and take notes. This method I am going to teach you today is really, really going to help you, and I know this because I use this method myself, and I found it has really, really helped me when I was in university, during meetings, during all sorts of different situations. This method really works.
So, first, before I teach you about the method, I want you to think about yourself and I want you to think about: When do you take notes? Okay? So, when do you listen and when do you take notes? So, some of you might think... Maybe youre in university, maybe youre in college, maybe youre in high school, and you have to listen to your teacher talk, and you have to take notes to help you remember what they are saying. Maybe youve graduated and youre working in a business, and you have meetings and... Or presentations, and you also need to take notes. So, this method will work for whether youre working or youre studying. Maybe youre taking the IELTS or the TOEFL, this can also help you on the TOEFL test in terms of improving your listening and taking notes.
So, how do you take notes? Okay? I know some students, they watch their professor or their teacher talk, and they use their computer, and they just type everything their professor or teacher says. Is this something you do? Maybe you write your notes, and you write every single thing your professor says down on a piece of paper, or anything somebody says. Well, there are a couple of problems with these methods, and Im going to explain to you some of the problems now. So, for people who like to take notes by computer, there are some advantages of this. Youre able to type really quickly and youre able to get a lot of what you hear down on your computer, and its easy to save. But the problem with this is its a type of passive listening. So, a lot of the times youre not actually using your brain to interpret what youre listening to, and youre not actively listening. Youre just copying word for word, youre not actually doing anything active with the material youre listening to. So, working with a computer-and Ive seen this in my university-a lot of students also end up going on Facebook during the lesson or lecture. So, a lot of the times they get very distracted. When they should be listening, theyre actually not.
So, for me personally and I think for a lot of people, using a computer to take notes is not the best method. Again, for some people it might work, but for a lot of people it doesnt. A lot of the times its actually better to take notes by hand, and the reason is when you take notes by hand, you have to think about what youre writing because writing takes a bit longer than typing. So youre organizing the material, therefore its more of an active way to listen. Okay? And theyve done psychology studies on this, and they do find that taking your notes by hand is often better than taking notes by a computer.
So, today I am going to teach you a way to take notes by hand using what is called "The Cornell Method". This method was developed at Cornell University, and a lot of universities actually encourage students to use this method because it is very good. So, what is the Cornell Method? Okay, well, Im glad you asked. So, I have here an example of how you would organize your paper. Imagine this is your paper that you take your notes on. What you can do is you can make a box just like this where you have a box where you write the title and the date of the lesson, you have a square or a rectangle here, you have a rectangle here, and you have a rectangle at the bottom. Okay? So, in total you have-one, two, three, four-four different rectangles.
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