Learn English Vocabulary: The people we LOVE ❤ – spouse, girlfriend, partner, husband...

Learn English Vocabulary: The people we LOVE ❤ – spouse, girlfriend, partner, husband... สาธารณะ

Learn English with Emma [engVid]

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Ready for an English lesson on romantic relationships? There are many terms we use when talking about people in romantic relationships. Spouse, partner, significant other, husband, wife, better half, lover, girlfriend, boyfriend, couple, and common-law are just some examples of relationship terms well be talking about in this video. I will teach you why some people might prefer the term partner instead of husband or wife. We will also discuss what people call the family of their husband or wife. For example, what does the term in-law mean and how do we use it to describe our partners family? After youve watched this lesson and learned what we call people we are in a relationship with when talking about them, watch Ronnies lesson to learn what we call them when talking TO them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URoJ6l5MVlY

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Hello. My name is Emma, and in todays video we are going to talk about love and romance, and all those wonderful relationship words. Okay? So, this video is very important when were talking about conversational English and English vocabulary, because a lot of what we talk about is relationships. Maybe if we dont have a relationship, we might talk about our friends relationships or our familys relationships, so its good to know these words. So, were going to talk about some of the more common words youll hear people talk about. For example, maybe youve wondered before: "Whats the difference between: spouse, husband, and partner? When do I use these different terms?" Well, thats a great question. "What do you call a girlfriend or boyfriend when youre in your 60s?" Thats a great question, too. So we have a lot of these questions students often ask, so in this video Im going to answer them. So lets get started.

To start with, lets talk about marriage. Okay? Getting married. What do you call somebody who is married? Well, there are multiple things you can call a person who is married. If were looking at traditional terms, so terms a lot of people use that are more traditional, you might hear somebody talk about "a husband" if theyre talking about a man who is married, you might hear them talk about their "hubby" if theyre talking about a husband in an informal way. So, for example, I could talk about my husband or my hubby, they have the same meaning and theyre talking about a man. I can also, if Im talking about a woman, we can use the word "wife": "My wife". If were talking about more than one husband, we can just add an "s" and say: "husbands". And if were talking about more than one wife, we actually have to change the spelling from "f" to "v" and add an "s", and so this is pronounced: "wives". "Wife", "wives". Okay? So these are women and these are men.

We also have another term which I like: "spouse". So, "spouse" is a word that can mean either a husband or a wife, its a different word, but the point is that it can be a man or a woman. Okay? So you can talk about: "My spouse", "Your spouse", "How long have you and your spouse been married?" If youre having trouble remembering this word, you can think about a mouse, maybe a mouse whos married, that can help you remember the word "spouse" because it rhymes with "mouse". Okay. So these are more the traditional terms we use when we talk about people who are married.

We also have less traditional terms that are very common and many people use. A less traditional term might be the term "partner". When were talking about partner, you have your business partners, but in a relationship when youre talking about romance and love, you can also have a partner. So, "a partner" is someone you are in a relationship with. So, in this case, "partner" can mean that youre married to the person, so maybe youre married, but its not necessary. So some people use the term "partner" when theyre talking about who theyre married to, and other people use the word "partner" and theyre not married, so it can mean married or not. We can also use "partner"... Its genderless, meaning we dont know if the partner refers to a man, a woman, or a different gender. We also dont know if the person is in a same-sex relationship, or a gay or lesbian relationship, or if theyre in a heterosexual or a straight relationship. So, the word "partner" is... Its different than the more traditional terms because theres a lot of information that people might not want to share, so they might use the word "partner" instead. Or maybe "husband" and "wife", those terms dont apply, so they like the word "partner". You might also hear somebody talk about their "life partner", which is another way to say "partner" or their "domestic partner". […]


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