Practice makes perfect! In this class, you’ll learn 5 English expressions that motivate and inspire. Learn about the expressions “no pain, no gain”, “the sky’s the limit”, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, “practice makes perfect”, and “better late than never”. Make your own English sign to encourage you and learn at the same time. Or you can use these expressions to encourage others. Then test yourself with the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/5-english-idioms-to-motivate-inspire/
Learn more English expressions with these videos:
How to wish someone "good luck" https://youtu.be/8SapxjrfC6A
11 Common Social Expressions https://youtu.be/VgG0J2-OxfM
In this lesson:
0:00 English Expressions for Motivation
1:56 Practice makes perfect.
5:00 When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
8:11 No pain, no gain.
11:10 Better late than never.
13:35 The skys the limit.
15:57 – Practice –
Hello, my name is Emma, and in todays video, I am going to inspire you.
We are going to learn some very inspirational expressions in English.
So, I want you to imagine - so, in your head, picture this - imagine you have a friend,
and your friend gets a low IELTS score and is really sad.
Imagine you are learning English, no matter how hard you study, youre always reading
English books and practicing, you just cant understand the present perfect tense in English.
Whats the difference between the past tense and the present perfect tense?
Imagine, no matter how hard you try, you just dont understand it.
And then, imagine your son, even if youre younger, just imagine you have a son, he comes
home and he says, "Mom, Dad, English is boring.
I hate English."
What do all of these examples have in common?
Well, Ill tell you what they have in common.
In all of these examples, these people need inspiration, they need encouragement.
So, in todays video, I am going to teach you the words you can say in English to anyone
in these situations or other situations to help them feel better and encourage them,
but also so you can improve your own English.
All of the expressions I will teach you today are very common expressions we use whenever
someone needs encouragement.
So, lets get started.
So, for each of the expressions Im going to teach you today, Ive made a beautiful
So, all of the posters are designed by me, and what I actually encourage students to
do or learners of English to do is make your own poster using these expressions.
They dont have to be as big as mine.
You can make a small poster, put it on your desk or on your refrigerator, or put it somewhere
you will see it and where you will see it often, because that will, first of all, help
you remember these expressions, but also its a great activity to, again, help you
Even writing the words will help you, and it can encourage you when you are having difficulties,
especially English difficulties.
So, lets look at the first example of a very popular expression - "practice makes perfect".
And then at the bottom of my poster, I put 100%, A+, 10 out of 10.
So, what does it mean when we say "practice makes perfect"?
Well, it means that in order to improve - so, if you want to improve and to get better at
something, you need to practice, and you need to practice a lot.
So, we use this expression in many different situations.
We can use it for learning a language.
Right now, I am learning Chinese, and Im learning Chinese writing.
So, what I need to do every day is practice, practice, practice to get better, because
I hope one day to make perfect or to get perfect.
We can also use this for sports.
If you are learning or if you play soccer, you cant just start playing one day and be
an amazing soccer player.
No, you need to practice.
You know, you practice after school, you practice in the evening, or during the daytime.
So, the more you practice, the better you become.
So, heres my example.
You are learning English.
Remember, "practice makes perfect".
And I just want to call your attention to the verb we use here.
Many learners get confused with "make" or "do".
For this specific example, its always "make".
So, "practice makes", with an "s", "perfect".
So now, lets practice more, because practice makes perfect, and lets look at some other
examples of inspirational expressions.
So, my next expression has to do with lemons and lemonade.
So, you might think, "This seems like its going to be a strange expression."
Well, in fact, the next expression is pretty common.
We use it, again, when someone has a difficult situation, and we want to inspire them […]
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