Practice your VOCABULARY, LISTENING, and COMPREHENSION with this game

Practice your VOCABULARY, LISTENING, and COMPREHENSION with this game สาธารณะ

Learn English with Emma [engVid]

6 yปี
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Want to improve your listening skills and improve your vocabulary at the same time? Do you want to have fun while learning? In this video, I will teach you common words we use while describing peoples faces. Then, you will practice your listening skills in a fun and interesting activity. Get a pen and paper ready for this interactive and hands-on video. If you want even more practice, try my helpful quiz at the end of the video at


Next, watch my video on 11 MIND Expressions in English:


Hello. My name is Emma, and in todays video we are going to do something very special. Okay? We are going to practice our listening skills by doing a really, really fun activity that I love to do with my classes. So, for this video, we are going to be listening for adjectives about the face. Okay? So Im going to teach you a whole bunch of new words, and maybe some words you already know, when... That we can use to describe our faces. Okay? So you are going to first learn some new words and were going to review some words; and once you have these words down, what we are going to do is I am going to describe a face to you, and while I describe it, youre going to listen carefully and you are going to draw the face. Okay?

So this is what youre going to do: Youre going to take your pen or your pencil, and a piece of paper, and you are going to draw what I describe. Okay? Now, its okay if youre not a great artist; you dont have to be for this video. You dont have to Picasso or Leonardo Da Vinci. Okay? As you can tell, Im not the greatest of artists, so thats okay. But after you listen and you draw what I say, youre going to look at your picture and youre going to compare it to my picture or what I was describing. And then you can see: "Okay. Are these the same? Are they different? Did I follow the instructions? Did I understand these adjectives correctly?" And so this is a great way to really practice your listening, and to also learn some new words. All right? So lets get started.

Ta-da. Here is my art. Okay? So Im going to describe these pictures now, just so you learn some new words, and were... Were also going to review maybe some words you already know. Okay? And I hope none of my drawings creep you out; I know that, you know, they might be a little bit unusual, but lets get started.

So, when were talking about faces, theres many different ways to describe a face; Ive just picked two. This man has a long face. Okay? His face is in the shape of an oval, but its also very long. Now, compare this to this person who has a round face; more like a circle. Okay? So, during the description Im going to be describing faces, and Im going to either use the word: "a long face" or "a round face". Okay? So, here we have the eyes, we have the nose, we have the mouth... In this picture we have lips which are these things, so we might have really red lips or big lips, like Angelina Jolie; maybe small lips, thin lips. Okay?

Another thing Im going to talk about in this video is eyebrows. So, the eyebrows are this part of your face; theyre the hairy part above the eyes, here. So, I have two different types of eyebrows. These eyebrows... So you see we have eyes here. The eyebrows here are very thin; whereas these eyebrows are thick, or we can also call them bushy eyebrows. Okay? Because they almost look like bushes. Bushy or thick.

Okay. Another thing youre going to hear during this listening activity is Im going to talk about wrinkles. So, whats a "wrinkle"? Well, as you get older, your face starts to develop these lines, usually around the eyes or maybe around, you know, your smile - and we call these age lines wrinkles. Okay? So heres the spelling of that word. So, youll be hearing this word during the listening activity.

You might also hear the word "braces". So, braces are something that helps your teeth to become straight. So, during the listening, one of the people Im going to be describing may have braces. So this is the teeth, and its just a piece of wire that goes across the teeth to help keep the teeth straight. Okay. So, anything else on this picture? No? Lets move on to this picture.

The other thing you might hear during this activity is I might be describing facial hair. So, when Im talking about facial hair, Im not talking about the hair on the head; Im talking about the hair on the face. So, this man has a lot of facial hair. He has a beard, which is hair that comes from your chin, down. You might have a short beard or a very long beard. This man has a long beard. I also put a moustache on this man, so thats the facial hair or the hair under the nose - the moustache. And this is how we spell that word. […]


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