Do you know how many ways you can pronounce “-ed” word endings? There are three ways. In this English lesson, we’ll go over them together. You’ll practice the three sounds with me: /t/, /d/, and /ɪd/. I’ll also teach you a special trick to help you say “-ed” more easily and naturally. This class will help you say past tense verbs correctly and with confidence. You really want to make sure you get this correct because when you say these words incorrectly, it can be confusing to the other person. Practice with me, then take the quiz: https://www.engvid.com/how-to-pronounce-ed-in-past-tense-beginner-tips/
More of my beginner pronunciation lessons:
How to say years in English https://youtu.be/PN8P8F-Pgtc
6 ways to pronounce "-OUGH" words in English https://youtu.be/iwl8JnrYwB8
In this lesson:
0:00 How to pronounce -ed in past tense
2:04 3 ways to pronounce -ed endings
5:51 ed pronounced id
7:37 ed pronounced t
12:04 When is ed pronounced t?
17:36 ed pronounced d
21:25 When is ed pronounced d?
Hello. My name is Emma, and today we are going to talk about "ed" pronunciations. So, "ed" is used in English to show the past tense. We add it to a verb to make it a past tense verb. So, for example, "Yesterday", so this is the past, "I talked to my friend." "Talked" with "ed" is a verb, and its been put into the past tense; thats why theres an "ed".
Now, whats the problem? Well, the problem is I meet many people who are learning English or who have learned English. Some people even have been studying English for years, but they often make mistakes with the pronunciation of "ed". This is one of the most common things I see. So, for example, Ill hear people say "talk-ed"; "Oh, yesterday I talk-ed to my friend." Now, if you listen to how I say it, "Yesterday I talked to my friend", theres a difference in the pronunciation.
So, today Im going to teach you how to pronounce "ed", and Im also going to teach you a very special way to help prevent these mistakes. I call it the blend method. I find this really helps students learn how to pronounce "ed" correctly. So, if you know that, you know, theres different ways to pronounce "ed", youve studied this before, theres something that I can teach you still about "ed". And if this is new for you, if you dont know about "ed" pronunciations, I have a lot to teach you today.
So, to get started, I have this question. How many ways do we pronounce "ed" in English? Okay, so there are three - thats right, one, two, three. Three ways to pronounce "ed" in English. What are the three ways? We have - so, this represents pronunciation. This means "id", so some past tense words, like "wanted", "visited", they have this "id" sound. "Some ed" just is a "t" sound, so a "t" sound, "t". So, for example, "watched", and then we also have this "d". Some "ed"s sound like a "d" sound, so for example, "planned", "planned". So, Ill go over each of these areas in a moment, and well look at a lot of common examples for "id", "t", and "d", but first I want you to warm up your ears and get ready to listen.
I have here - one, two, three, four, five, six - six verbs, theyre all in the past tense, they all end in "ed". I will say the verb, and I want you to choose, is it an "id", "t", or "d"? How am I pronouncing the "ed"? The first step to learning "ed" pronunciations is to get used to listening for "ed" pronunciations.
So, lets start with the first one, "wanted", "wanted". Which category is it? Its this one, "wanted".
Okay, what about the next one, "talked", "talked". I "talked" to my sister. Is it "eh-eh" or "duh"? Its the "t" sound, "talked", and Ill explain why in a moment.
"Called", "called". Okay, so this is a little bit harder, I think, because you might think its this, you might think its this. When I say "called", its actually the "d" sound. So, and notice Im not saying "talked", "called", thats what a lot of people who are learning English say, but the correct pronunciation is "talked", "called".
Okay, what about this one, "watched", "watched". Okay, so this is actually the "t" sound, "watched". Not "watched", "watched".
Okay, "decided", "decided". This has the "id" sound, "decided".
Lets look at the last one, "opened", "opened", "opened". Okay, I find that usually the ones that have the "d" sound are sometimes harder for listening, but yes, this one actually has the "d" sound.
So this might have been difficult for you, and thats completely okay. It takes time to learn to listen for the pronunciations, as well as to say the pronunciations of "ed" correctly.
Now, what we are going to do is we are going to first cover "id", thats the easiest one, then well look at "t" and "d" and well learn when do we pronounce "ed" as an "id", a "t" or a "d". […]
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