Easy English Conversation: SUGGEST & RECOMMEND

Easy English Conversation: SUGGEST & RECOMMEND สาธารณะ

Learn English with Emma [engVid]

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What is correct: “Can you recommend me a movie?”, “Can you recommend a movie?” or “Can you recommend a movie to me?” Many learners of English make mistakes with “recommend” and “suggest”. In this lesson, I will teach you how to correctly use these words and how to avoid mistakes with these words. Learn how to make grammatical sentences with “suggest” and “recommend”. I recommend you take the quiz after you watch this class... or else! https://www.engvid.com/easy-english-conversation-suggest-recommend/

More of my Easy English Conversation lessons:
Easy English Conversation: "DID YOU KNOW" or "DO YOU KNOW"? https://youtu.be/p1D3GmN_24A
Easy English Conversation: MEET, SEE, GET TOGETHER, MEET UP... https://youtu.be/y4nSs263nK4

In this lesson:
0:00 How to use "suggest" and "recommend" correctly in English
0:48 Common mistakes with "suggest" and "recommend"
1:31 What words to use after "suggest" and "recommend"
4:08 suggest/recommend + that clause
5:48 Do you need to use "that" after "suggest" or "recommend"?
9:30 suggest/recommend + -ing verb
12:51 suggest/recommend + noun/noun phrase
17:17 suggest/recommend + wh question word


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