Speak English Naturally: Master LIP & TEETH Sounds in English

Speak English Naturally: Master LIP & TEETH Sounds in English สาธารณะ

Learn English with Emma [engVid]

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Today, you will learn how to pronounce the B, P, M, V, F, and TH sounds correctly in English. We will practice the ten most common words for each sound. I will also give you some tips to help you with your pronunciation. Did you know that many learners have trouble with V and B sounds? TH is another challenging sound in English. But after watching this video, you will know how to say these sounds correctly, and will have the tools you need to check yourself when you speak. Then just make sure to practice until you get it! https://www.engvid.com/speak-english-naturally-master-lip-teeth-sounds-in-english/

More of my English pronunciation videos:
English Pronunciation Practice: OO & U https://youtu.be/R7A0yx0cnGU
How to pronounce the "R" sound in English: Tips & Practice https://youtu.be/_WJAJ7Le-yM

In this lesson:
0:00 How to say B, P, M, V, F, TH Sounds in English!
1:10 Pronunciation Practice Tips
2:21 Lip Sounds in English: ba, pa, ma
5:25 Most common words with lip sounds
10:23 Teeth & Lip Sounds in English: ve, fe
13:07 Most common V & F words in English
15:07 How to say "th" sounds in English
17:12 Most common TH words in English

Hello, my name is Emma, and today I am going to help you with pronunciation. We will look at some difficult sounds in English that many people have problems with. Were going to look at how to pronounce the lip sounds of English, so these are lips. You pronounce "b", "p", and "m" with your lips. Were going to look at the "teeth" sound of English, so those are sounds that have "th" or "th" in them, and then we are going to look at the sounds where you need to use both your lips and your teeth, like "b" and "f", so the "v" sound and the "f" sound in English. So how are we going to do this? Well, first Im going to teach you how to pronounce the sounds, and then we are going to use those sounds in the most common words. So I will give you the top 10 most common words for each sound that you should be practicing. So lets get started.

Lets talk about tips. Before we start on any of the sounds, you should have a mirror close to you because its very helpful when youre learning pronunciation to have a mirror to look at what your lips are doing, what your tongue is doing, and what your teeth are doing. That will really help you to improve your pronunciation. Were also going to start slow, pronouncing the sounds slowly, and then the words slowly, and then we will increase the speed and say them quicker. Its easier to learn pronunciation when you start slow and then start saying these sounds quicker. Were also going to be very careful or very logical in the way we are learning these sounds. Were going to start with the sound, then the sound in a vowel, and then the sound at the beginning of the word, and maybe at the end of the word. So lets get started on learning the pronunciation for these important common English sounds.

Okay, so the main lip sounds of English are "ba", and notice what my lips are doing. Im using both the top and the bottom lip to pronounce the sound. "Ba", "ta" with a "p", and "ma". So youll notice my lips are doing the exact same thing, "ba", "pa", "ma". The difference in these sounds is actually if the air is flowing through your nose, or in the case of "ma", or if you have a vibration in your larynx for "ba" versus "pa". The main thing I want you to know is that "ba", "ma", "pa", you have the same lips. Whats really interesting about the "b" sound, the "p" sound, and the "m" sound are they are actually some of the earliest sounds people learn as babies. Not just in English, in many languages. And the reason for this is its easy for babies to see the sound. They notice, oh, my mom is doing this sound where her lips come together. So because babies can see this sound, its frequently the earlier sounds that they make. And thats why in a lot of languages, "ma" or something similar means "mother", and "ba" or "pa" means "father". Its because these are some of the first sounds children are able to make.

So lets practice these sounds. Lets start with the "ba" sound. So I want you to have a mirror, put your two lips together, and say "ba", "ba". Okay, good.

Now lets say the next lip sound, "pa", "pa". And theres a bit of a pop sound with that. You have air coming out when you say "pa".

In fact, if you hold a Kleenex in front of your lips and you go "pa", the air can actually blow the Kleenex up because its a strong puff of air. And then we have the sound "ma", which is, again, more coming through the nose, "ma".

But all of these are our lip sounds in English. So if you have trouble with these sounds, my recommendation is use a mirror and make sure that both lips are touching, "ma", "pa", "ba".

Okay, so when it comes to learning pronunciation, it can be very difficult. My recommendation is to think about what are the most common words that have the sounds youre having difficulty with. […]


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