Learn English Expressions: JUST IN CASE

Learn English Expressions: JUST IN CASE สาธารณะ

Learn English with Emma [engVid]

6 yปี
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What does "in case" mean? When do we use it? In this video, you will learn about this commonly used expression. This lesson is part vocabulary and part grammar. After watching, you will be able to use "in case" properly in a sentence, which will be very useful for expressing a request, a condition, a particular event, and more. Take my quiz at the end of the video to practice using "in case". You can watch the video more than once in case you forget something.


1. How to use ABOUT TO:



Hello. My name is Emma and in todays video I am going to teach you about a very important piece of vocabulary -- its also very important when it comes to grammar -- and that is the expression: "Just in case" or we can also say: "in case". So, we use this a lot in English, so its very... Its something very important for you to learn. So lets talk about what it means and how we use it.

So, we use: "in case" or "just in case"-we use both-when we are talking about doing something to prevent a problem. Okay? So were talking about... Or doing something to prepare for a problem. So, were looking at a problem and were looking at preparation or prevention of that problem. Okay? So, for example: "Tonight, I am going to a restaurant." Im very excited. Now, the problem is I get cold very easily, and when Im cold Im not a very nice person; I get very cranky, and Im not a good person to be with when Im cold. So my problem is I get cold easily. What is my prevention or preparation for this problem? Well: "I will bring a sweater just in case I get cold." Okay? And that way I will have a great time at the restaurant, hopefully. So my problem is being cold, and my preparation is Im going to bring a sweater. So, as you can see, if you think about life, we have a lot of these types of problems and we do a lot of things to prepare for these types of problems.

So lets look at some other examples. Okay, a problem is when it rains... Okay? A lot of the times when it rains, you know, I dont like getting wet, so what do I do? Well, my preparation or prevention is I bring an umbrella, or maybe Ill bring a rain jacket. Okay? So: "I will bring an umbrella just in case it rains." Another problem is if you work at 9am, you know, a lot of the times theres a lot of cars; everybodys going to work at the same time, theres a lot of traffic. And if theres a lot of traffic maybe youll be late for work. So what will you do for this problem? So, traffic is the problem or maybe going to work late is the problem, but what you can do to prevent or prepare for this problem is you can leave your house early. So: "I leave my house early every day just in case theres traffic."

Another example of a problem is maybe youre going to visit your friend, and your friend gives you their address. Now, if you dont write down their address, youre going to be lost. I dont know where they live. I need to go to my friends house, I forget their address; I dont know where they live. So this is the problem. Especially if youre very forgetful like me or you always forget peoples phone numbers or, you know, where people live, this is a big problem. So what do you do to prevent this problem? Well, you write down their address. Okay? On a piece of paper, your friend tells you their address, you write it down. Why do you write it down? "You write down their address just in case you forget it." Okay? You forget their address.

So Ive just given you some examples of where we would use "just in case". There are a lot of examples for "just in case". I want you to think about your life. Is there something that happens every day to you, maybe you have some sort of problem or something you worry about? So think about that for a second. Is there something you worry about every day, and what do you do to prepare for that or to prevent a problem from happening? Okay? Maybe, you know, youre worried about failing your test, so you might create a study group just in case. Okay? Or maybe, you know, your teacher gives you homework. Maybe you will do the homework just in case they want to see it. So, you see what Im saying? Theres a lot of problems you might have, and a lot of preventions or preparations you do for those problems. So try to think of one in your own life. Okay, so now we are going to look at the grammar of "just in case" or "in case".

Okay, so weve already looked at what are problems, and how we prepare or prevent problems. Now lets look at some examples of: How do we create this sentence in a grammatical fashion? So, I have here the sentence: "I will bring an umbrella in case it rains." […]


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