8 AWAY Expressions in English: go away, run away, right away...

8 AWAY Expressions in English: go away, run away, right away... สาธารณะ

Learn English with Emma [engVid]

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You may already know that “away” is an adjective that means something or someone is not there. But did you know that “away” often changes the meaning of another word in a sentence? Expressions with “away” are some of the most common in English. In this lesson, I will teach you eight of them. You will learn how to use “right away”, “take away”, “give away”, “fire away”, “go away”, “move away”, “run away”, and “turn away”. Some of these expressions have more than one meaning, so we will explore each one carefully. After the lesson, take the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/8-away-expressions-in-english/


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