In this lesson, you can learn how to improve your vocabulary score in IELTS writing.
Do you need an IELTS score of seven or higher? Many people find it difficult to get scores above band six or 6.5. Often, this is because people have bad habits or they don’t clearly understand how the IELTS exam works.
Here, you’ll see some common mistakes which IELTS students make which can hurt your vocabulary score. You’ll also see how you can change your approach to the IELTS writing exam to get a better score for vocabulary.
See the full version of this lesson on our website:
1. Put Ideas Before Words 1:17
2. Stop Worrying About Repetition 3:14
3. Words Are Just Words 7:06
4. Correcting Errors 9:18
5. Improving Your Vocabulary for IELTS 12:15
This lesson will help you:
- Understand how to learn words and phrases in a useful way to get a good score in IELTS Writing.
- Better understand the IELTS Writing Band Descriptors and what they are (and are not) asking of you.
- Learn more about repetition and synonyms and how they should be used to improve your vocabulary score.
- Improve your vocabulary score by better understanding types of vocabulary, collocations, and register in the IELTS Writing exam.
- Understand the different types of vocabulary errors that can be made in the IELTS Writing exam.
- Put together a plan using all of the lessons tools to help you improve your vocabulary score in IELTS Writing.
IELTS Task 1 Writing Band Descriptors:
IELTS Task 2 Writing Band Descriptors:
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