Beyonce sets new world record - News Review

Beyonce sets new world record - News Review สาธารณะ

BBC Learning English

4 yปี
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Beyonce has set a new world record after becoming the first female artist to win 28 Grammy awards. All this happened at the 63rd Grammy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles. Tom and Catherine have the vocabulary you need to talk about this story.

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Video chapters:
0:00​​​​​​​ - Introduction
0:29​​​​ - Story
1:37​​​​ - Headline 1: Grammys 2021: Beyoncé becomes most decorated female artist
4:01​​ - Headline 2: Grammys 2021: Black Lives Matter took centre stage as artists speak out on racial equality
6:36​​​​ - Headline 3: Beyoncé “opted not to perform” at Grammys 2021, despite leading nominations
8:51​​​​​​​ - Language summary

The story:
And the singer Beyonce has collected her twenty-eighth Grammy award overnight, beating the previous all-time female record set by the country music star Alison Krauss.

Taylor Swift also made history at the ceremony in Los Angeles, becoming the first woman to win album of the year three times.

Key words and phrases:


* After receiving a third medal, the soldier became the most decorated member of his unit.
* Many decorated scientists work in the university’s physics department.

took centre stage
received the most attention

* The local school took centre stage in the national fight against bullying thanks to its new policies.
* A row about sexism has once again taken centre stage after protests.


* I opted not to take part in the office team-building weekend last month.
* Sandra chose to opt out of the workplace pension scheme.

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