Using Conditional Sentences in English - 5 Levels of Difficulty

Using Conditional Sentences in English - 5 Levels of Difficulty สาธารณะ

Oxford Online English

4 yปี
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In this lesson, you can learn about conditional sentences. Get more grammar practice with a certified English teacher! Learn more:

Conditional sentences are sentences with the word ‘if’. You can use conditional sentences to talk about many different situations. There are also sentences which don’t use the word ‘if’, but which follow similar rules. Try to make some mixed conditional sentences about your life and post them in the comments! We will give you feedback.

See the full version of this lesson on our website with text and a quiz:

Introduction 00:00 - 00:55
1. Level 1 00:55 - 02:43
2. Level 2 02:43 - 04:36
3. Level 3 04:36 - 06:59
4. Level 4 06:59 - 10:50
4. Level 5 10:50

This lesson will help you:

- Test your level of understanding with five levels of difficulty in English conditionals.
- Get more information and examples of if clauses when using conditional sentences in English.
- Learn about the first conditional in English and how to use it properly in a sentence.
- Understand the zero conditional. Youll see examples of how it this conditional is used correctly and what it means.
- See examples of how you can use unless in conditional sentences.
- Find the differences between the second and third conditionals in English.
- Get examples of unreal situations and how you can use conditionals to express your meaning.
- See which verb forms are possible to use in conditional sentences in English.
- Learn what mixed conditionals are and how you can use them correctly.
- Check your understanding of real situations and ways to use conditionals correctly in these situations.

See more free lessons like this on our website:


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