Sentence Stress in English Pronunciation

Sentence Stress in English Pronunciation สาธารณะ

Oxford Online English

6 yปี
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In this lesson, you can learn about sentence stress in English.
Stress means that you pronounce some syllables more strongly than others. There are many different types of stress in English, and stress is used in many different ways. What do you think you need to focus on most in your English pronunciation? What would make the biggest difference for you? Let us know in the comments. If you give us a good idea, we might make a video about your suggestion!
Pronouncing sentence stress correctly will make a big difference to your English pronunciation. You’ll immediately sound clearer and more natural when you speak English.

See the full version of this lesson here:

This lesson will help you:
- Understand what sentence stress is in English pronunciation.
- See how to regognise and pronounce stress correctly in a sentence.
- Look at the difference between stressed and unstressed elements of English pronunciation.
- Understand how to add extra stress and how it can change the meaning of a sentence.

1. Introduction to Sentence Stress 0:52
2. Recognising and Pronouncing Sentence Stress 4:11
3. Stressed vs. Unstressed Contrast 6:21
4. Shifting Sentence Stress 8:58

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