IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Tips and Tricks for IELTS Writing Academic

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Tips and Tricks for IELTS Writing Academic สาธารณะ

Oxford Online English

6 yปี
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In this lesson, you can learn how to answer IELTS academic writing task one questions.
In task one of the academic IELTS writing exam, you have to summarise and describe the information given to you in some kind of chart.
You might have to summarise and describe a pie chart, a line graph, a bar chart, a table, a diagram, or even a map.
In this lesson, you’ll see a sample IELTS academic writing task 1 question. You can learn how to approach these questions and write your own answer. You’ll also see some useful tips to help you improve your IELTS writing score.

We strongly recommend viewing this lesson on the OOE website, so that you can see the graph and text more clearly:

This lesson will help you:
- Understand and connect all of the information youre given in the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1
- Learn how to write an overview for IELTS Writing Academic Task 1
- Understand how to write body paragraphs with examples.
- Know more about hedging and approximation and how that can help you in the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1.
- Learn useful techniques to compare and contrast ideas in your writing.

1. Connect the Information 1:15
2. How to Write an Overview 4:32
3. How to Write Body Paragraphs 6:23
4. Using Hedging and Approximation 9:43
5. How to Compare and Contrast Ideas 12:16

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