English in a Minute: To Burn a Hole in Your Pocket

English in a Minute: To Burn a Hole in Your Pocket สาธารณะ

VOA Learning English

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Welcome to English in a Minute!

Pockets are super useful. They can hold things like money. But how does money “burn a hole in your pocket?” Let’s listen.

D: Guess what, Anna? I won $500 last week!

A: That’s great! Dan, remember to save some of it.

D: I spent it.

A: What? All of it?

D: That money was burning a hole in my pocket.

A: Oh, Dan, is why you never have money.

This expression is about one thing...money! If someone says money is “burning a hole in their pocket,” it means they want to spend it right away. Some people, like Dan, have a hard time saving money instead of spending it.

And that’s English in a Minute!


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