Buster and Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep | Nursery Rhymes | Go Buster | ABCs and 123s

Buster and Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep | Nursery Rhymes | Go Buster | ABCs and 123s สาธารณะ

Little Baby Bum - Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

5 yปี
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Nursery Rhymes | Songs For Children | Little Baby Bum

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© El Bebe Productions Limited - part of LittleBabyBum

Meeting Baa Baa and the Rainbow Sheep!
Can you name the colours
Of everyone you meet?
Will you meet a Red one?
Orange, Yellow, Green?
Blue, Purple, or a Pink one
Will they all be seen?

Buster! Look! At the rainbow in the sky
Can you see those colours
As you drive on by?
First you see a Red sheep
And an Orange too
Then you see a Yellow sheep
And a Green one woohoo!

Buster! Look! At the rainbow in the sky
Can you see more colours
As you drive on by?
You can see a Blue sheep
Standing there, I think
Next you see a Purple sheep
Hey, there’s one that’s Pink!

Meeting Baa Baa and the Rainbow Sheep!
Can you name the colours
Of everyone you meet?
Will you meet a Red one?
Orange, Yellow, Green?
Blue, Purple, or a Pink one
Will they all be seen?

Meeting Baa Baa and the Rainbow Sheep!
Can you name the colours
Of everyone you meet?

#baabaa #blacksheep #babysongs


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