Writing a memorable song isnt easy. Not only do you have to write a good tune, you also need to match it to the lyrics. Well be discussing the art of songwriting and, of course, well be learning some new vocabulary as well.
This weeks question
Whos had the most number one hit songs in the UK over the years?
a) The Rolling Stones
b) The Beatles?
c) Elvis Presley
Listen to the programme to find out the answer.
(informal) a song that you keep hearing in your head, to the point of irritation
nostalgic streak
affectionate and slightly sad feeling you have for a happy time in the past
person who influences what is currently popular or fashionable
(go on a) bender
keep drinking a lot of alcohol for an extended period of time
chord structure
sequence of musical chords
give and take
compromise in which you are willing to accept suggestions from another person and give up some ideas of your own
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Can music mend a broken heart?
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