PET Speaking Exam - How to Do Part Three of the Cambridge PET Speaking Test

PET Speaking Exam - How to Do Part Three of the Cambridge PET Speaking Test สาธารณะ

Oxford Online English

5 yปี
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In this lesson, you’ll learn about part three of the Cambridge PET speaking exam.

You’ll see how to do part three of the Cambridge PET speaking test, how to do well and how to impress the examiners.

You can see the full version of this lesson about the PET speaking exam here:

In this video, you can learn:

- What happens in part three of the PET speaking exam.
- How to start your answer.
- How to use prepositions of place to describe the picture you are given.
- How to use adjectives to make your answer more descriptive and interesting.
- How to give your opinion on what you see in your picture.
- How to finish your answer.

Doing these things will help you to get a better score in your Cambridge PET speaking test.

You can see more of our free lessons on this page:


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