Adjectives and Adverbs in English - 5 Levels of Difficulty

Adjectives and Adverbs in English - 5 Levels of Difficulty สาธารณะ

Oxford Online English

3 yปี
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Improve your understanding of adjectives and adverbs in English with this lesson from Oxford Online English. Do you know the difference between hard and hardly? In this lesson, learn how to use adjectives and adverbs in English and see useful examples to improve your understanding. Test your level with five levels of difficulty using adjectives and adverbs. Get more grammar practice with a certified OOE teacher:

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Intro 00:00-00:50
Level 1 00:50-02:22
Level 2 02:22-04:45
Level 3 04:45-08:14
Level 4 08:14-11:45
Level 5 11:45

This lesson will help you:
- Understand what adverbs are and how they are used in English sentences.
- Learn about adjectives, how to use them, and how they are different from adverbs.
- Get examples of where to put adverbs and adjectives in an English sentence.
- See some examples of adverb word order and common sentence structure mistakes English learners make.
- Develop your ability to use the correct adjective word order.
- Learn about strong adjectives and how theyre used in English sentences.
- Improve your understanding of adjectives that can also be used as nouns.
- Test your level with 5 levels of difficulty using adjectives and adverbs in English.

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