How to Boost Your English Vocabulary with the 2,000 Most Common Words List

How to Boost Your English Vocabulary with the 2,000 Most Common Words List สาธารณะ

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In this video you will discover how to use our 2,000 most common words list to increase your English fluency.

The 2,000 Most Common Words List is a Premium Study Tool that gives you the core 2,000 words upfront. According to experts,you need to know 1,500 words for conversational fluency. So, 2,000 is more than enough for any language learner.

This 2,000-word list is divided into simple categories such as...

- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Everyday Words
- Numbers
- Days of the Week

Plus, smaller lists like: the core 100 words, core 500 words, and so on, so you can easily learn without getting overwhelmed.

EnglishClass101 is the best place to get started with the English language as you will get on your way to English fluency fast. We provide you with everything you need to maser the language.

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