English Conversation Practice Easy To Speak English Fluently - Daily English Conversation

English Conversation Practice Easy To Speak English Fluently - Daily English Conversation สาธารณะ

Daily English Conversation

6 yปี
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Daily English Conversation Topics. Learn English Conversation Practice for Beginners - Easy To Speak English Fluently. Copyright Lessons: http://basicenglishspeaking.com/daily-english-conversation-topics/

☞ Link videos Daily English Convesation Topcis: https://youtu.be/RCseemNc2zw

Daily English Conversation Topics:
1. Family - 00:06
2. Restaurant - 01:25
3. Books - 02:53
4. Travel - 04:00
5. Website - 05:50
6. Accident - 06:53
7. Childhood memory - 08:05
8. Favorite rooms - 09:23
9. Presents - 10:35
10. Historical place - 12:02
11. Newspaper/ Magazine - 13:41
12. A memorable event - 15:07
13. A favorite subject - 16:24
14. A museum - 17:51
15. A favorite movie - 18:59
16. A foreign country - 20:29
17. Parties - 21:48
18. A teacher - 23:23
19. A friend - 24:34
20. A hotel - 25:54
21. A letter - 27:24
22. Hobbies - 28:37
23. Music - 30:01
24. Shopping - 31:24
25. Holiday - 32:18
26. Animals - 33:45
27. A practical skill - 35:03
28. Sport - 36:42
29. A School - 38:04
30. Festival - 39;32
31. Food - 41:13
32. Household appliance - 42:37
33. A music band - 43:44
34. Weather - 44:59
35. Neighbor - 46:23
36. Natural scenery - 47:44
37. Outdoor activities - 49:03
38. Law - 50:14
39. Pollution - 51:21
40. Traffic jam - 52:34
41. TV program - 53:35
42. Architect/ Building - 55:10
43. Electronic Media - 56:09
44. Job/ Career - 57:19
45. Competition/ contest - 58:51
46. A garden - 1:00:07
47. Hometown - 1:01:19
48. Clothing - 1:02:36
49. Advertisement - 1:03:58
50. A project - 1:05:14
51. A wedding - 1:06:23
52. A Coffee shop - 1:07:54
53. Culture - 1:09:10
54. Transport - 1:10:24
55. Politician - 1:11:49
56. Communication - 1:13:00
57. Business - 1:14:36
58. Computer - 1:15:41
59. Exercise - 1:16:48
60. Goal/ ambition - 1:18:08
61. Art - 1:19:13
62. Fashion - 1:20:26
63. Jewelry - 1:21:54
64. Cosmetic - 1:22:58
65. Indoor Game - 1:24:25
66. Phone conversation - 1:25:42
67. Learning A Second language - 1:27:05
68. A Creative Person - 1:28:24
69. A celebrity - 1:29:36
70. A Health Problem - 1:30:35
71. Technological advancements - 1:31:50
72. A Landmark - 1:32:59
73. Handcraft Items - 1:34:05
74. Plastic Surgery - 1:35:30
75. Success - 1:36:59

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