In this lesson, you can learn how to answer sentence transformation questions in the Cambridge PET writing exam.
Learn about the 10 most common topics for PET sentence transformation questions. You’ll see sample answers for each question, and how to answer these questions in your PET writing exam.
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This lesson will help you:
- Learn about direct speech and reported speech to help answer questions in the Cambridge PET Writing Exam.
- Review the present perfect and how it can help you in the PET Writing Exam.
- Understand the differences between if and unless to help answer sentence transformation questions.
- Learn about passive and active voice and its role in the Cambridge PET Writing Exam.
- Learn about how modal verbs are used in sentence transformation questions.
- Learn about adjectives in the Cambridge PET Writing Exam.
- Understand quantifiers in the PET Writing Exam.
- Use phrasal verbs to help answer the PET Writing questions.
- Learn about words with opposite meanings and how that can help you with the questions.
- Use there is and there are correctly to help you in the Cambridge PET Writing Exam.
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