Wheels on the Halloween Bus! +More Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs | Little Baby Bum

Wheels on the Halloween Bus! +More Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs | Little Baby Bum สาธารณะ

Little Baby Bum - Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

3 yปี
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The town is completely decorated for Halloween, so are all the buses in the town!
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Little Baby Bum is a fun and educational show for kids featuring classic and new nursery rhymes and loved by babies and their parents all around the world. Through the magic of rhythm and rhyme, Little Baby Bum world comes alive.

Sing along with 6-year old Mia her family and friends in a world where animals can dance, buses are friends and rainy days are never boring.
►New Little Baby Bum videos weekly! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0VE_cI7-AYQFhRgzn_slFoCvD7wefqkh
00:00 Wheels on the Halloween Bus
02:10 Baa Baa Black Sheep
03:01 Wheels On The Bus V12
04:53 Hickory Dickory Dock
06:07 Jack And Jill
07:32 Hide And Seek V2
09:18 Ding Dong Bell
10:50 Color Song
12:26 Please, Thank You And Sorry Song
14:02 Hush Little Baby
16:16 Driving In My Car V4
18:02 This Little Piggy
19:37 Roses Are Red
21:15 No No No! I Dont Want To Go To Bed
22:45 Looking After Baby V2
24:37 Mary Mary Quite Contrary
26:18 Im A Bird, Im A Bird
27:54 Wheels On The Bus V11
29:47 Morning Routine Song
31:31 Goosey Goosey Gander
33:07 Old King Cole
34:38 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
36:55 Sports Day Song
38:24 Im Hungry, Munch Munch Munch
40:12 This Old Man
42:54 3 Little Kittens
45:06 Sleeping Bunnies
46:50 Color Planes
48:35 Lets Go Shopping
50:22 Mia Had A Little Dog
52:00 Itsy Bitsy Spider V3
53:34 10 Little Dinosaurs V2
55:04 Animal Sounds
57:20 Hopping Song
58:55 Funny Noises And Sounds Song

The wheels on the bus go round and round
Round and round
Round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town on Halloween!!!

The spooky ghost bus goes Boo! Boo! Boo!
Boo! Boo! Boo!
Boo! Boo! Boo!
The spooky ghost bus goes Boo! Boo! Boo!
All through the town on Halloween!!!

The werewolf bus goes Arooo! Arooo!
Arooo! Arooo!
Arooo! Arooo!
The werewolf bus goes Arooo! Arooo!
All through the town on Halloween!!!

The robot bus goes Bleep Beep Boop!
Bleep! Beep! Boop!
Bleep! Beep! Boop!
The robot bus goes Bleep Beep Boop!
All through the town on Halloween!!!

The zombie bus goes Raa raa raa!
Raa raa raa!
Raa raa raa!
The zombie bus goes Raa raa raa!
All through the town on Halloween!!!
►Wheels on the Bus and other vehicle songs playlist! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0VE_cI7-AYQO-ZDrKeJDDtt-tQ5IaeuW

►Educational baby cartoons and songs playlist! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IMLmO7ingY&list=PL0VE_cI7-AYQegyb6BQOVJ6kIzs7GOT-C

Watch new and classic Little Baby Bum shows on YouTube. New week new fun and exciting song to learn along with other favorites like The Wheels on the Bus, Johnny Johnny Yes Papa, Rain Rain Go Away, ABC Song, Ice Cream Song, Wash Your Hands, Five Little Ducks, Ten Little Buses, and many others.

#LBB #LittleBabyBum #MoonbugKids

Website ► https://www.littlebabybum.com
Facebook ► www.facebook.com/LittleBabyBum
Instagram ► www.instagram.com/littlebabybum/

Little Baby Bum friends:

►Go Buster! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSVXccy7bFWZDnledg0SSSB4o7PB6tAJ9
►Lellobee City Farm! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhjDwGFkBk-_sGvoKevSISQZ5eTzCB7Gg
►Digley and Dazey! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJAmPvPYOOqeC4aZNSxPqZ6Dwf1olvKT2
© El Bebe Productions Limited - part of LittleBabyBum


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