Fixing things to help the planet: BBC News Review

Fixing things to help the planet: BBC News Review สาธารณะ

BBC Learning English

5 yปี
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Learn vocabulary to talk about the news. This week we discuss recycling our mobile phones. Typically, people associate greenhouse gases with cars, planes, perhaps homes. But the EU says half of all emissions, and more than 90% of species loss, are caused by extracting and processing resources. The European Commission wants items such as smartphones, that rely on these resources, to last longer and to be easier to repair.

made to be used for a short time and then disposed of
• They say we live in a throwaway society. Nothing is built to last.
• Our throwaway culture means people don’t know how to fix things.

spell the end of
indicate that something will stop happening
• Coronavirus may spell the end of foreign travel for a while.
• Audio streaming spelt the end of the CD.
origin; cause
• Overpopulation is the root of the climate crisis.
• Drug addiction is the root of the knife crime problem.

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