English Modal Verbs - May, Might, Could, Can - Talking About Possibilities

English Modal Verbs - May, Might, Could, Can - Talking About Possibilities สาธารณะ

Oxford Online English

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The English modal verbs can, could, may and might are used to talk about possibilities. This English modal verbs lesson will help you learn how to use may, might, could, and can correctly.

For example:

- He can be really mean sometimes
- It could take us a few hours to finish this
- They might have missed the train

These sentences all express possibilities: things which are possible, but not certain. We often use these modal verbs to talk about things we are not sure about, or to give our opinions.

See the full version of this lesson on our website: https://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/modal-verbs-possibility.

In this lesson, you can learn:

1) How to use can to talk about general possibilities in the present or the future.
2) How to use could, may and might to talk about specific possibilities.
3) The difference between general and specific possibilities, and when you need to use can or could/may/might.
4) Talking about possibilities in the past using could have, may have or might have.
5) The two different meanings of could have—could have can be used in two different ways to talk about possibilities in the past, depending on whether you know what happened or not.

1. How to Express Possibility in the Present or Future 0:34
2. How to Talk about General and Specific Possibilities 3:57
3. How to Talk about Possibilities in the Past 7:53
4. Past Possibilities: Two Meanings of Could Have 9:58

We use the modal verb can to talk about general possibilities—things which can be true at different times, or for different people. For example: "It can take two hours to get there by train." This means that it can take two hours every time, not just once.

You can use the verbs could, may or might to talk about specific possibilities—things which are only possible at one time. For example: "It could take you two hours to get there by train." This means it could take -you- two hours, not someone else. Its specific. In this sentence you could use any of the three modal verbs could, may or might—theres no difference in meaning.

To talk about possibilities in the past, use the modal verbs could, may, or might, plus have plus a past participle. For example: "I dont know where they are—they could have missed the train." In this sentence, you can use any of the verbs may, might or could, as before.

Watch this lesson for an introduction to English modal verbs: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/video-modal-verbs-intro

See more of our free English lessons on this page: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/free-english-lessons


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