How to Talk About TV Shows in English - Spoken English Lesson

How to Talk About TV Shows in English - Spoken English Lesson สาธารณะ

Oxford Online English

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In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about TV and TV shows in English. Talking about TV in English can help you in spoken English situations such as English conversations and English speaking exams.
Do you watch TV? How and where? What kind of TV shows do you like or dislike? You’ll see how to answer these questions and more in clear, detailed English. Can you describe a TV show you really like? Say what kind of show it is, what it’s about, and why you like it. Put your answer in the comments, and you can get some feedback and corrections!

See the full version of this lesson with a free quiz on our website:

1. Talking About TV Habits 0:55
2. Different Ways to Watch TV 4:19
3. How to Describe a TV Show 8:46
4. Talking About a TV Show You Dislike 13:17

With the help of this lesson, you will be able to:
- Explain how often you watch TV and what your habits are when you watch TV.
- Talk about the different methods available to watch TV and which one(s) you use.
- Improve how you talk about TV and TV shows in English by getting new phrases and vocabulary to describe a TV show in English.
- Learn helpful words to talk about TV shows which you dislike.
- Increase your ability to have conversation about TV shows in English in many different English situations.

See more free lessons like this, along with other helpful resources and teachers to help you improve:


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