Learn English via Listening Level 1 - Lesson 7: Jennifer the Firefighter.
Jennifer Smith is a firefighter.
She is one of the first female firefighters.
Jennifer works hard every day.
Jennifer exercises every day.
She lifts weights.
She wants her muscles to be very strong.
She saves peoples lives every day.
She is very strong.
Jennifer is married.
Her husband is a school teacher.
Jennifers husband is proud of her.
Jennifer is a mother.
She has two daughters.
Jennifers daughters are proud of her too.
Jennifer is happy being a firefighter.
Jennifer is happy being a wife.
Jennifer is happy being a mother.
▶ Playlist Learn English via Listening Beginner Level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDZCrj1MZes&list=PLTyvAtj9OYb0i2VU_JQLR61v8otMYXcVH
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