Wheels On The Bus - School Song | +More Nursery Rhymes | ABCs and 123s | Little Baby Bum

Wheels On The Bus - School Song | +More Nursery Rhymes | ABCs and 123s | Little Baby Bum สาธารณะ

Little Baby Bum - Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

4 yปี
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Little Baby Bum is a fun and educational show for kids featuring classic and new nursery rhymes and loved by babies and their parents all around the world. Sing along with 6-year old Mia her family and friends in a world where animals can dance, buses are friends and rainy days are never boring.

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Children love singing and dancing with Mia and her other three siblings sister Ella, brother Ollie and Baby Max who are joined by a fun, diverse cast of the animal, vehicle, and human friends. Through the magic of rhythm and rhyme, their world comes alive.

Watch new and classic Little Baby Bum shows on Youtube. New week new fun and exciting song to learn along with other favorites like The Wheels on the Bus, Jhonny Jhonny Yes Papa, Rain Rain Go Away, ABC Song, Ice Cream Song, Wash Your Hands, Five Little Ducks, Ten Little Buses and many others.

The wheels on the bus go round and round
Round and round. Round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town

The teacher has to count them all
Count them all. Count them all
The teacher has to count them all
All through the bus

Everyone fastens their seat belts
Their seat belts. Their seat belts
Everyone fastens their seat belts
Theyre safe to go!

The bus has arrived at the museum
At the museum. At the museum
The bus has arrived at the museum
All off the bus!

Theyre all here so off they go
Off they go. Off they go
Theyre all here so off they go
Off on a trip!

The children love the dinosaurs
Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs.
The children love the dinosaurs
Theyre really big!

Now its time to head on back
Head on back. Head on back
Now its time to head on back
Go back to school!

00:05 Wheels On The Bus V16
01:55 No No No! I Dont Want To Eat That!
03:45 Jingle Bells
05:36 Ice Cream Song
06:56 Potty Song
08:15 Old Macdonald Had A Farm V2
10:25 1, 2 Buckle My Shoe
11:25 Old Macdonald Had A Farm
12:36 Wheels On The Bus
14:25 Morning Routine Song
16:08 Bingo
18:07 If Youre Happy And You Know It V2
19:48 Itsy Bitsy Spider V2
21:10 Head Shoulders Knees And Toes
23:06 Starlight Star Bright
24:58 Rain Rain Go Away
26:54 1-10 Song
28:49 10 Little Buses
31:01 No Monster
33:26 Little Miss Muffet
34:56 London Bridge Is Falling Down
36:40 3 Little Kittens
38:51 10 In The Bed
41:15 Jack O Marble (Original Song)
42:59 Itsy Bitsy Spider V1
43:59 Baa Baa Black Sheep
44:48 10 Little Animals
46:04 This Little Piggy
47:40 12345 Once I Caught A Fish Alive
48:56 ABCD
50:51 If Youre Happy And You Know It
53:01 Shapes Song
54:56 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star V2 (Prince & Star)

#LBB #LittleBabyBum #MoonbugKids

© El Bebe Productions Limited - part of LittleBabyBum


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