Until recently, it was thought that human brain development was all over by early childhood but research in the last decade has shown that the adolescent brain is still changing into early adulthood. This programme delves inside the teenage brain, hears from an expert and teaches some useful vocabulary along the way to stretch your own brain!
This weeks question
There have always been teenagers, but when was the word ‘teenager’ first used to refer to the 13 – 19 age group? Was it:
a) the 1920s
b) the 1930s
c) the 1950s
Listen to the programme to find out the answer.
the period in someone’s life when they are developing from a child to an adult
published scientific research
a set of beliefs that are strongly held and which are not challenged
prefrontal cortex
an important part of the brain involved in many complex mental actions like planning and personality
cognitive tasks
mental activities that we consciously have to think about like making plans and taking decisions
the adjective to describe behaviour of someone who is in adolescence. Also, the noun for someone who is in adolescence
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