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In this video, Alisha answers 3 questions.
- Heat up phrasal verb you said is mostly used with microwave oven. Can I use this phrase for gas?
- How to learn new words? I am confused. Because I heard from other videos that to learn new words I should know translations. But, on another hand, if I want to think in English, I shouldnt use translator or dictionary. And if I dont understand this word without translation, what should I do?
- How to pronounce words with TH?
Youve got questions about life in the United States, American culture, or any English related questions you don’t want to sift through textbooks for the answer? Your favourite English teacher Alisha takes the questions youve been asking and lay them out in an easy-to-follow format. Turn those question marks into exclamation points and get on with your English study. Interact with Alisha to clear up any confusion you have or just satisfy your curiosity. Not only you’ll be able to send questions but also power up your language with your free lifetime account. Learning English is made easy for you.
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