Two nuns steal cash for Vegas: BBC News Review

Two nuns steal cash for Vegas: BBC News Review สาธารณะ

BBC Learning English

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Two Roman Catholic nuns in California have admitted embezzling about half a million dollars from the school where they worked. Sisters Mary Margaret Kreuper and Lana Chang, described as best friends, are said to have spent the money on travel and gambling in Las Vegas.

money saved for a particular purpose
• Someone has stolen all of the funds we raised over Christmas!
• There are several funds you can apply to for financial support whilst studying.

badly behaved or difficult to control
• I try to put my children to bed early as they become quite unruly in the evenings.
• Some teachers think that violent films can have an unruly influence on teenagers.

definitely going to happen
• My relationship has been unhappy for ages. I think its inevitable that we will break up.
• On a course like this, failure is inevitable if you dont keep up with your work.

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