Diego Maradona: Doctor’s house searched: BBC News Review

Diego Maradona: Doctor’s house searched: BBC News Review สาธารณะ

BBC Learning English

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Football legend Diego Maradona died last week; now his doctor is being accused of failing to take proper care of him. Neil and Catherine have the vocabulary you need to talk about this story.

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Video chapters:
0:00 - Introduction
0:36 - Story
1:45 - Headline 1: ‘There is no medical negligence’ Maradona’s doctor claims innocence
4:40 - Headline 2: Diego Maradona’s doctor breaks down in tears during press conference after police raid.
8:48- Headline 3: Diego Maradona: Police raid house and clinic of doctor
11:05 - Language summary

The story
Maradona was 60 years old and had struggled with obesity, diabetes and substance addiction through much of his life. He had recently had an operation to remove a blood clot from his brain, and his family questioned Dr Luque’s decision to release him from hospital so soon.

Maradona’s daughter said at the time that her father was surrounded by bloodsuckers who didn’t really care about his well-being.

Key words and phrases
failure to take enough care

The building company was found guilty of negligence after workers were injured on site.
Don’t neglect your duties! You’re paid well and should take your job seriously.

breaks down
starts crying

Roger Federer often breaks down after winning a title.
Wedding speeches are hard. The father of the bride often breaks down.

action by police in which they suddenly enter a building

After a series of raids, the army captured the terrorist.
The police raided the house after being told it was used for drug dealing.

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