Using x for kisses: 6 Minute English

Using x for kisses: 6 Minute English สาธารณะ

BBC Learning English

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6 Minute English discusses a letter from the English alphabet. It’s a letter which has a particular meaning when used at the end of a piece of informal writing such as letters, emails, texts and messages. Discover where the concept of putting an x to mean a kiss comes from, and learn some new vocabulary along the way.

This weeks question
English has 26 letters. Which language has 74 letters?
a) Khmer (Cambodian)
b) Hindi
c) Armenian

Listen to the programme to find out the answer.

a penny
a coin (100 pennies = 1.00 GBP)

the penny has dropped
someone suddenly realises or understands something

the noise of two heavy objects coming together

Inland Revenue
the government department in the UK which deals with taxes

to dock
to reduce the amount of money someone receives in their salary or wages, for example as a tax payment

a quid
slang term for 1.00 GBP

Download the audio and a transcript here

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