Taking the stress out of surgery using VR headsets.
For many people the idea of going under the surgeon’s knife can be terrifying. Now a hospital in London is trialling technology widely used with video games to help them deal with this anxiety. Patients are given virtual reality headsets to wear while they are being operated on.
Learn language related to… surgery
Need-to-know language:
prepped – readied for something to happen
localised anaesthetic – drug given before an operation that stops someone feeling pain in only one area of their body
sedation – drugs that make someone calm or sleep
operating table – special table a patient lies on while they are being operated on
undergoing – experiencing something necessary but sometimes unpleasant
Answer this:
What can the patient see when they are on the operating table?
Youll find the answer at the end of the video. To download the transcript, go to our website at http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/lingohack/ep-200108
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