English vocabulary mega-class! Learn 10 everyday English 'animal' expressions in 23 minutes!

English vocabulary mega-class! Learn 10 everyday English 'animal' expressions in 23 minutes! สาธารณะ

BBC Learning English

3 yปี
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Improve your English vocabulary and speaking with this animals compilation box set from our series The English We Speak! Do lots of listening practice and learn LOTS of new vocabulary! There are 10 programmes in this collection from BBC Learning English and each one explains the meaning and use of a real everyday British English expression with plenty of examples of how to use the words in real-life contexts!

0:00 - Intro
0:07 - What does let sleeping dogs lie mean?
2:47 - What is the rat race?
4:54 - What is peacocking?
7:24 - What are sheeple?
9:33 - What does barking up the wrong tree mean?
12:06 - What is a sting in the tail?
14:38 - What is sadfishing?
17:30 - What is the GOAT?
20:04 - What is cloud cuckoo land?
22:21 - What is a tiger mother?

For more English videos and English lessons to help you learn English: www.bbclearningenglish.com

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#animals #BritishEnglish #vocabulary


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