A thriving ecosystem has been discovered in the last few decades in a region which was previously deemed empty. Neil and Sam talk about the strange creatures of the Deep Sea, and teach you related vocabulary.
This weeks question
Do you know how much of the Earth’s surface is ocean?
a) 50 percent
b) 60 percent
c) 70 percent
Listen to the programme to find out the answer.
like finding a needle in a haystack
something that is impossible or very difficult to find because the area you have to search is so large
thin on the ground
there are very few of something
there is more than enough of something
scratch the surface
find out (or do) a small amount about something, but not enough to fully understand (or deal with) it
extremely large; huge
hard to get your head around
difficult to fully understand or comprehend
[Cover: Getty Images]
You can download the transcript and audio on our website: https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/6-minute-english_2022/ep-220421
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