Talk About Food and Cooking in English - Spoken English Lesson

Talk About Food and Cooking in English - Spoken English Lesson สาธารณะ

Oxford Online English

4 yปี
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In this lesson, you can learn how to talk about food. Learn useful words and phrases to talk about food and cooking in English.

You’ll see how to talk about different cuisines, talk about food you like – or dislike – and talk about cooking and eating habits. Practice your English speaking with a certified English teacher! Learn more here:

See the full version of this lesson with a quiz on our website:

1. Introduction 00:00 - 00:49
2. Talking About Cuisines 00:50 - 03:52
3. Talking About Cooking 03:53 - 07:51

This lesson will help you:
- Get new phrases and vocabulary to talk about cuisines and dishes when you talk about food in English.
- Learn adjectives you can use when you describe food in English.
- Talk about cooking in English and get examples you can use in English conversation.
- Describe how to make a specific dish in English. Youll hear some useful phrases to describe the cooking process in English.
- Understand more cooking vocabulary you can use to improve your spoken English.

See more free English lessons like this on our website:


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