Hong Kong protestors 'trampled the rule of law' - News Review

Hong Kong protestors 'trampled the rule of law' - News Review สาธารณะ

BBC Learning English

5 yปี
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Beijing says Hong Kong protestors trampled the rule of law when they stormed the parliamentary Legislative Council (LegCo) building on the 22nd anniversary of handover.

The story
Beijing has condemned the ransacking of the Hong Kong parliament by pro-democracy protestors. The Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office said it backed the territorys authorities to investigate what it called the criminal responsibility of violent offenders. It said the demonstrators actions on Monday had trampled the rule of law.

ruin somethings appearance by damaging or writing on it
• Last night the main hall of the museum was defaced with political graffiti.
• Library books are now laminated to prevent people defacing their covers.

done openly in an easy-to-see way
• The video footage clearly shows the criminals blatant lies.
• OK – whats going on? You two have blatant chemistry. Are you flirting?

zero tolerance
enforcing a rule with absolutely no exceptions
• This school has a zero tolerance policy towards drugs.
• There is a policy of zero tolerance against modern-day slavery in this country.

Language challenge

Combine two words to make a verb that means: move through a place damaging and stealing
• ran • steal
• sack • take

For the answer, watch this on our website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/course/newsreview/unit-10/session-97


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